Leilani Reich


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science (Data Science track) in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2023.

Interests: Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, 3D Modeling, Game Development


Chick Dance Revolution 2023-01-23

I created a simple game about a dancing chicken, complete with instructions on how to create it.


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Analyzing Fake News with a Big Data Mindset 2022-12-09

I conducted an analysis on fake news data in a distributed processing manner.

Big Data Analysis ICS 438 PySpark Python Jupyter Notebook Docker

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Bees vs Neonicotinoids 2022-11-22

I worked in a team to develop a visualization highlighting the relationship between neonicotinoid usage and bee colonies over time.

Data Visualization ICS 484 Plotly Dash Python Visual Studio Code

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London Cholera Dashboard 2022-10-05

A dashboard visualizing the era of Cholera in London.

Data Visualization Plotly Jupyter Dash ICS 484

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See all 9 projects


Software Engineering Extending its Reach

17 Dec 2021

A Brand New Experience I took a software engineering class for the first time ever this Fall 2021 semester, and it was a class to remember. There was always something new to learn, whether it be using JavaScript, building a...

Software Engineering

Design Patterns Lead the Way

02 Dec 2021

Introduction Imagine waking up in the dead of night, thinking to yourself “I want a midnight snack.” You stumble out of bed and reach for the light. Nothing happens. It seems the power is out in your house. Nevertheless, this...

Meteor React

The Bea-ui-ty of Semantic UI

07 Oct 2021

UI Frameworks When it comes to designing webpages, UI frameworks are a handy tool, offering many functionalities that simplify development and promote the creation of gorgeous, sophisticated, and innovative webpages and websites. These frameworks make use of Cascading Style Sheets...

Semantic UI CSS HTML

Smart Questions Can Do No Wrong

09 Sep 2021

Introduction In the world of software engineering, both up-and-coming and experienced software engineers often find themselves asking questions, whether it be regarding errors in code, programming concepts, or software issues. As a result, it’s only natural that these individuals would...

Software Engineering StackOverFlow

Diving Headfirst Into JavaScript

01 Sep 2021

First Impressions - The Freedom of JavaScript As a beginner programmer with a year of Java experience (and a little in Python), I didn’t know what to expect with JavaScript. I’d somewhat assumed JavaScript was just another variant of Java,...

JavaScript Learning